Trained Adult Guard Dogs For Sale
Our beautiful Flora is offered for adoption. She is a wonderful guard dog and has served us well for the last year and 1/2. Flora is a cross, Pyrenees/Anatolian that was born on our farm and raised by us. She's a very sweet and energetic dog that is always watching all on the farm! She has guarded cattle in the past and is now guarding sheep and goat. She has a beautiful thick and white hair coat and keeps it clean. We love our girl but we have too many females and not enough work for them. We have no issues with her wanting to get out of her parameters. She will make an excellent ready to work dog on anyone's farm.
Flora-Trained Guard Dog
Cane Run Creek Boer Goats
Billy and Jennifer Richardson 1800 Tommy Toms Road Horse Cave, KY 42749
270-218-0777 - cell
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